MFC - Certification Program

MFC - Company Officer Training & Certification Program Overview

The Managing a Fire Company (MFC) Certification Program is designed to first instruct, train, then evaluate and certify Fire Department Company Officers who serve as right front seat Officers working on fire companies assigned to Operations.The MFC training program provides Fire Departments with a training and certification system that defines the best standard Human Resource Management (HRM) practices for the common,local, everyday management of a fire company. This training and certification program produces Company Officers that are equipped to manage; SOPs, readiness, EMS service delivery,HRM, and the most effective ways to manage/deal with issues/problems.

There are 4 main components of the MFC Training and Certification program:

  1. Completion of the 12-hour online training program (Cognitive portion of the program)
  2. Completion of the Scenario Evaluation Session (Manipulative portion of the program)
  3. Instructor training and support program (Local delivery and management of the program)
  4. Continuing Education (CE) program
  1. The MFC 12-hour online training program: Fulfills 100% of the Managing a Fire Company Standard’s cognitive and knowledge-based classroom requirements. The MFC textbook serves as the reference textbook for the standard’s cognitive testing. The successful completion of the MFC online training program is the first step in the certification process. Once the student has successfully passed the online training program with an 80% or higher cognitive test score, they will be eligible to attend a 3-day MFC scenario, evaluation lab. Students must attend an evaluation sim lab within 1 year from completing the online training program.

  2. MFC scenario evaluation session: Each student will be evaluated as a Company Officer managing an (1) EMS incident, (2) and addressing an Issue/Problem during the evaluation process. Each student will be evaluated 5 times for each of the 2 scenario types. After successfully completing all of the required scenario evaluations, the student will be officially certified to manage a fire company.

  3. Instructor training and support program: A major objective of the MFC training and certification program is for individual departments or regions to effectively manage the MFC training, certification , and evaluation program themselves, while customizing the system to the local demographics, resource levels, and SOPs. Future instructors will first enroll in the MFC online training portion of the program available at: Once the on- line portion of the program has been successfully completed, the instructor candidate will be eligible to attend a Train the Trainer program.
    A Train the Trainer (TtT) session consists of a 2 - hour up front Zoom session as well as 3 consecutive, in -person 8 -hour days. The TtT participants will also get much more detailed lesson plans and instruction on the 2 evaluation scenario types, MFC training modules, instructor PowerPoints, and CE material.

  4. CE process: After an instructor is successfully certified and/or a student has successfully passed their scenario evaluation lab and has obtained their certification, MFC will offer continuing education materials to both students and instructors that will include:

    • Several more on -line training modules that will look at specific topics that Company Officers address on a routine basis
    • Supporting Instructor PowerPoints
    • More Company Officer Evaluation Scenarios
    • On-line workout routines
    • On-line cookbook and meal prep videos
    • Access to several different subject matter experts
    • MFC Instructor Zoom invites for updates, additional training material, internal and external SME’s
    • Much, much more!